Profesor R. Gawlik

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

With a great pleasure I invite you to take part in the 15th International Congress of the Polish Society of Allergology, which will be held on October 9-12, 2024 in Krakow.

The fifteenth meeting of our Society is a beautiful proof of the great development of PTA over the last 40 years. From a gathering of allergology enthusiasts, the Society has developed into one of the most dynamic and recognizable medical organizations in Poland. Thanks to the work and devotion of many allergologists, we have access to the latest methods of diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases, representatives of our specialty are leaders of allergology not only in our country.

However, there are some flaws in this image, which is extremely positive for allergology in Poland. Systematically raised postulates of allergists (immunotherapy, access to diagnostics, etc.) often encounter obstacles that are incomprehensible to us. Each of us, in our medical practice or life experience, has encountered a situation where, despite our knowledge and possibilities, we could not use them for the benefit of the patient due to the lack of someone’s consent, not clear regulations or the inertia of the health care system.

Therefore, the motto of the next PTA Congress is “Horizons in allergology. Vision and practice”. We want to focus on what currently interferes, blocks or discourages allergy diagnosis and therapy. We also want to go further – pointing out not only the symptoms, but also the remedies. A systemic or human impasse must not stand in the way of the development of allergology as a specialty. The vision of our work with allergic disease must be in harmony with the practice defined by decision-makers, which we should and must have an influence on.

Our Congress will also feature what modern allergology lives by – a critical review of the latest methods of diagnosing and treating allergic diseases, discussions between specialists and practitioners, and the opportunity to present your own achievements as part of poster and oral sessions. The scientific committee of the meeting will ensure a high substantive level, so that each participant will find valuable and practical content. Congress enables direct contact with guests from all over the country – contact that we so much want after the last difficult years. I can assure you that the Scientific Committee of the Congress will also provide the opportunity to meet allergy experts from abroad, whose knowledge and experience are always extremely valuable to us.

I cordially invite you to participate in the next International Congress of the Polish Society of Allergology. Let it be another milestone in the beautiful history of Polish allergology.

See you in Krakow!

Prof. Radoslaw Gawlik
Chair of the Scientific Committee
XV International PTA Congress
Polish Society of Allergology

Profesor R. Gawlik

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

With a great pleasure I invite you to take part in the 15th International Congress of the Polish Society of Allergology, which will be held on October 9-12, 2024 in Krakow.

The fifteenth meeting of our Society is a beautiful proof of the great development of PTA over the last 40 years. From a gathering of allergology enthusiasts, the Society has developed into one of the most dynamic and recognizable medical organizations in Poland. Thanks to the work and devotion of many allergologists, we have access to the latest methods of diagnosis and therapy of allergic diseases, representatives of our specialty are leaders of allergology not only in our country.

However, there are some flaws in this image, which is extremely positive for allergology in Poland. Systematically raised postulates of allergists (immunotherapy, access to diagnostics, etc.) often encounter obstacles that are incomprehensible to us. Each of us, in our medical practice or life experience, has encountered a situation where, despite our knowledge and possibilities, we could not use them for the benefit of the patient due to the lack of someone’s consent, not clear regulations or the inertia of the health care system.

Therefore, the motto of the next PTA Congress is “Horizons in allergology. Vision and practice”. We want to focus on what currently interferes, blocks or discourages allergy diagnosis and therapy. We also want to go further – pointing out not only the symptoms, but also the remedies. A systemic or human impasse must not stand in the way of the development of allergology as a specialty. The vision of our work with allergic disease must be in harmony with the practice defined by decision-makers, which we should and must have an influence on.

Our Congress will also feature what modern allergology lives by – a critical review of the latest methods of diagnosing and treating allergic diseases, discussions between specialists and practitioners, and the opportunity to present your own achievements as part of poster and oral sessions. The scientific committee of the meeting will ensure a high substantive level, so that each participant will find valuable and practical content. Congress enables direct contact with guests from all over the country – contact that we so much want after the last difficult years. I can assure you that the Scientific Committee of the Congress will also provide the opportunity to meet allergy experts from abroad, whose knowledge and experience are always extremely valuable to us.

I cordially invite you to participate in the next International Congress of the Polish Society of Allergology. Let it be another milestone in the beautiful history of Polish allergology.

See you in Krakow!

Prof. Radoslaw Gawlik
Chair of the Scientific Committee
XV International PTA Congress
Polish Society of Allergology